
October 2008

Monday, July 23, 2007

1 am on a Monday

When I envisioned updating this blog, it never occured to me that I would be doing it in the middle of the night as I wait for Kaia to really fall asleep. She is doing great but sometimes she likes to stay up a little late and fight going to bed. Why do I think this will be a recurring theme in the weeks and years to come.

Life has been going pretty well. My mother came down on the train for a few days to help out. It is great! She takes care of all the things that would take up the little spare time we have which allows Alayna to sleep a little more and me to go to work and fix up the house. The best part is she cooks!. It is like living at my Dramma's house again. Getting one of your favorite meals every night. We have been eating stuff that I haven't had in years. We would probably manage without her coming down but she sure does make life easier.

Kaia is spending a little more time awake everyday. She is more alert and seems to very curious about everything going on around her. It is probably just a baby thing but she never stops looking around anytime her eyes are open. She is actually sleeping very well. She has gone for 4 hours at a stretch overnight and she would probably go longer if we didn't have to wake her to eat. She is eating really well so we are hopeful that after the pediatritian visit on Wednesday that she will be over six pounds and we will be able to let her sleep at night until she wakes up. If we are lucky that will give Alayna some more sleep.

Well it seems that she is fully asleep so I am off that way myself...


Alecia Berman-Dry said...

I'm so glad you're blogging all this. It's like preparation for what someday will be our life. Smiles, Ali

Alecia Berman-Dry said...

I'm so glad that you're blogging all of this. It's like a field journal for those of us who have yet ventured into watermelonland. Smiles, Ali

HH said...

yesterday I asked an 86 year old lady about all the things she had seen in her life - radio, tv, cars, walk on the moon and she told me the most amazing of all was the computer and its impact on our lives - she stated it brings families together - she is right ! We get to see and 'sense' the joy of life. -- Grandpa