
October 2008

Sunday, July 29, 2007


I know Bryn never thought it would happen, but I finally made it onto the blog:) Since this is my first post I must warn you it will be a long one. Life has been forever changed in the most amazing way since Kaia was born! We are all living life day by day. Every day I set a few seemingly small goals. The first is that I have gotten to take a shower every day since the day after she was born. An amazing feat if I do say so myself:) We have also made sure that we get out of the house every day. Sometimes it is just for a walk and other days we have appointments and errands.

The three of us would not be doing so well if it wasn't for all of the help and support that we have gotten. Before Kaia and I came home Nancy (Bryn's mom) came down and stayed through the weekend. She cooked, cleaned, shopped and got to hang out with Kaia (even though sometimes it was at 4am). Then she came back down a few days later and did the same thing all over again. Our sanity would not be in place without her amazing help.

This week has been our busiest week yet. It started with Bryn going back to work on Monday. Then Tuesday we had the realator caravan come through the house since it is now on the market. We were saved by Aunt Leigh (my best friend) coming into town that night to help us out through the weekend (really she just wanted to hang out with Kaia - Bryn and I have accepted the bump in status).

Wednesday was a BIG day. Kaia had her first professional photo shoot here at the house and that afternoon we headed to the pediatrician for the big weigh in. We thought passing the 6 pound mark was guaranteed. So close...Kaia weighed in at 5 pounds and 15 1/4 ounces. It was that last poopy diaper that did it. But the good news is that she is past her birth weight. This week we should be doing the 6 pound happy dance.

Thursday we celebrated Kaia's Watermelon Due Date!!! Aunt Leigh, Kaia and I headed to our cranial sacral therapist for individual sessions for all. Kaia had her first session 4 1/2 hours after she was born. It is amazing the difference that a session with Marissa can make in Kaia and in myself. That night we had our first dinner out at our favorite sushi resturant and I got to nurse in public for the first time. I definately need to work on my discreet nursing skills.

On Friday Leigh and I took Kaia for a shopping trip and managed to be very productive and still make it home to feed Kaia in time. That night we all headed to the Trolley Barn Park for the free summer concert. Bryn and I went to the first concert of the season on 7/6 and we haven't missed one since. That was another HUGE goal that we have accomplished.

Saturday marked Kaia's 3 week birthday. We celebrated with cupcakes for the adults and photos of Kaia with a baby watermelon. It was another day of early errands for all 4 of us. Kaia had professional impressions made of her hands and feet and we ran around a little more while Kaia was sleeping.

Today is Sunday and we were very sad to see Aunt Leigh leave us. The rest of the day has just been Bryn, Kaia and I catching up with ourselves and making lists while Bryn is slow cooking ribs.

Hope you enjoyed a week in the life of Kaia. I know we sure have:)

1 comment:

Gramby said...

Hi Alayna,
Look I found you !!?;)
This is my first adventure in blogging. At least I think I'm blogging. If I'm not then "sorry" to those who are the recipients!!
I am overwhelmed with the pictures of my beautiful granddaughter. She is gorgeous!! Her beauty is only overshadowed by the beauty of her mother who at birth was the prettiest baby in the whole wide world.
Kaia has changed so much since Watermelon Day. The bright wide open eyes must just be a delight to dive into as she watches all the things around her. I wonder just how big her world actually is and just how much does it grow each and every day ?.?.
I am very proud of you for all you have accomplished,Alayna. You did a BIG thing !! and you are continuing to do it well each and every day !!
You must be very proud of yourselves for getting out and about every day.That is no small goal!! Plus, think of the tasks that you now complete with ease that were maybe a little scary to you at first.
I am very thankful that Bryn's family has been so supportive to all three of you. The cooking, laundry, housecleaning and babysitting while showers are being taken, not withstanding; the generosity of spirit and the "just being there" of all of them gives me great comfort. I know how much you are loved.
I will stop "blogging" for now so I don't wear out my welcome. Please give Kaia a kiss from "Gramby". Sing her a song for me.
All my love to the Happy Henderson Family,