
October 2008

Saturday, October 27, 2007


Time to catch up again. I got in trouble with my sister-in-law today for the delay in blogging:) In my defense these last few days were the first time that we have not had wi-fi this trip.

After my last entry we landed in Silver Spring, MD at my dad's house around 6pm or so. We brought in so much of our stuff and exploded it everywhere since we were going to have a few days. Grandad got introduced to Kaia and we just picked up some dinner. The next day, Thursday, we had lunch with my dad's sister, Margaret, and her husband, Bert. After we ate the rest of the clan showed up. That included sister Rosalie and husband Joe and sister Berdie and husband Moe. They were all excited to see Kaia, hear about our travels and ask Bryn about life in Newport. After that we went back upstairs to Dad's for an hour or two before heading to my brother's house for dinner. Kaia got to meet her Uncle Mike, Aunt Kathy and cousin Erik. I tried to get Erik to change a dirty diaper, but he refused.

The next day, Friday, we helped with a couple of things around my dad's house and did some laundry before heading over to my best friend Leigh's house. Aunt Leigh was counting the moments until she got to see Kaia again. Leigh had come to CA a couple of weeks after Kaia was born to help me out, but mainly to oh and ah over Kaia:) Leigh and Nick got some time with Kaia before some friends came over to meet Kaia. It was a rainy and disgusting Friday night and we were so happy that Ali and Jase, Lani and Asher and Hans and Renee braved the traffic and weather for us. We didn't leave Leigh's house until midnight and poor Leigh and Nick had to drive to Clevland the next morning. Kaia was awesome! Since it was our second day not traveling she was awake a lot more than she has been lately and everyone got plenty of time to hang out with her.

Since last night was so late that lead to a late start this morning. Grandad finally got a chance to hold Kaia and hang out with her for awhile. Once we got packed up and said our goodbye's we headed to my brother Rob's house in PA. Aunt Stephanie couldn't wait to get her hands on Kaia as soon as she saw her. She said that everyone she knows knew that Kaia was going to visit today:) Uncle Rob got plenty of Kaia time too. After lunch and a few hours of visiting we headed north towards Newport. Tonight we are spending the night in Harrisburg, PA so we can get a good day of driving in tomorrow.

I have been telling you about our travels and visits, but I haven't told you what Kaia is up to. She has been into her hands for awhile now. The difference now is that she is starting to grab at lots of things. I am getting ready to be wear a perpetual ponytail as soon as she starts grabbing my hair. In the car we have been keeping busy by reading books and talking. We have also been rotating through various toys that are car seat friendly. Kaia also loves to play with my hands. When she is having trouble falling asleep in the car seat she holds my hand and usually falls asleep. The other favorite thing of Kaia's is her stuffed lion, Lucy, from my client Melanie. This is the Barney's stuffed animal that we are going to have to buy another of because Kaia likes it so much. She grabs onto Lucy and chews on her.

Well, it is getting late so I will bring this to a close. Within the next couple of days we will get the photos updated I promise:)

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