
October 2008

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

First Kamea Drama...

After a very sleepy and decreased day of eating on last Saturday, Kamea went to sleep on Saturday night and slept through the night. Not something you want a week and a half old baby to do. We woke her up at 6:45am when we got up and called the pediatrician. She had a fever of 101.3 and it took over an hour to get her awake enough to eat for a few minutes. Apparently the protocol for an infant her age with a fever that high is hospital admission for a complete sepsis work up including spinal tap, urine and blood cultures. Luckily, Grandma was still here so Kaia and Grandma started their day as Bryn, Kamea and I rushed out to the hospital. Once Kamea got an IV put in and began to get hydrated and got multiple doses of antibiotics she started to get better. Bryn and I both stayed at the hospital with her and she was finally discharged on Tuesday afternoon. We still don't know exactly what she had, but they ruled out a lot of bad possibilities. The general consensus is that she had a virus of some type. Kamea has been very strong and has impressed the doctors and nurses. Kaia did great with us being gone again, but she has been pushed to her limit. Grandma is heading home on Friday morning and Bryn will be back at work. So Kaia, Kamea and I will have to figure out how to adjust to doing things ourselves with all of my c-section limitations. Hopefully this is the end of Kamea's drama for awhile. She is doing much better and will be heading to the pediatrician's tomorrow to check in and she how she is doing.

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