I think my excuse of adjusting to two isn't going to last much longer:) Sorry for the long delay and much needed update.
The girls are doing great. Kaia is in preschool two mornings a week and she loves it. It is hard for me to get her to leave and she asks to go to school on other days too. As wonderful and amazing as Kaia is, she is also hitting the opposite end of the spectrum as a terrible two year old. I have tried rewards, incentives, taking things away and litteraly not talking to her, but she is very independent and will only do things when she wants to and is ready. The hardest time is meal time. She drags it out for at least an hour if she is allowed. She is very smart and creative - usually good things- except when she is sitting in her booster seat and can sing and entertain herself with nothing around. Yesterday she painted her hand with her peanut butter and jelly to make a hand print on her plate:) Kaia is spelling her name on the computer and verbally. She knows Kaia June without any problem, but still needs a little help with Henderson. We spell things all of the time by sounding words out. She also drew a picture for Auntie Carolyn the other day that had a very clear tree, sun and grass and then she wrote Kaia. I told her where to put the crayon and draw the lines, but I never touched her. I was absolutely amazed.
Kaia also had a great time on Halloween and dressed up like a kitty cat. We are still dressing up and putting on her costume which includes painting her face with a kitty cat nose and whiskers. Kaia had never had candy before, but she got the routine of trick or treating down. She was so excited I had to tell her to wait until someone answered the door to say it. Then most people held out the bowl and Kaia would grab some candy, say thank you and be off to the next house. The people thought she was candy driven and I had to explain that she didn't know what candy was, she was just enjoying the process. Grandpa was in town for a visit that weekend and got to join us for our rainy trick or treating. He was also in charge of Kamea the pumpkin while I was taking Kaia to the houses and Bryn was taking pictures.
Kamea is doing well too and growing like crazy. She has been able to hold her head up for a long duration for almost a month now and she is only 10 weeks old. She is a strong and resiliant little girl. Kamea loves to be entertained by her big sister and Kaia is awesome with her. We couldn't be more lucky. Kamea is really smiling and laughing these days and is starting to talk. Her favorite spot is on the dresser/changing table. This was Kaia's favorite too when she was upset as a baby we could put her on it and she would start smiling and laughing the dame as Kamea. Kamea also started rolling from her stomach to her back around 6 weeks or so. She is also sleeping through the night. It isn't nearly as scary now as it was at a week and a half. Now Bryn and I can actually enjoy it.
Among our visitors we have had Grandpa, Grandma Bobbie and Great Grandma come to stay with us. My Aunt Berdie passed away recently, so although it was a sad occasion, we were very happy to have Aunt Sharon and Uncle Steve stay with us as well. Grandma from California is our next visitor and will be here the day after Thanksgiving. I knew she couldn't wait until we came out to CA at Christmas to see her girls:)
Bryn is still working and I am still at home. I am starting to think about getting back in shape so I will be able to go work a bit too. I am craving adult time without a 2 year old having listening issues. We did make it out last night for the first time without both of them. We went to dinner at a local resturant and then headed over to the Town Hall for a fundraiser for Kaia's preschool - bake sale/craft fair with a silent auction. Those are dangerous. We "won" 3 different things including a weekend away at a local hotel:)
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