It is amazing how much Kamea has exploded just in the last month. She got two teeth at once (that was fun), is crawling everywhere so nothing is safe, is pulling up to stand on anything she can and has recently start to let go and stand for a few seconds. She and Kaia love playing chase. We have an exersaucer that has the toys in the center and Kamea sits/stands in the seat and is able to walk around and circle the center. Kamea loves chase (as does Kaia). They literally take turns chasing each other. Kaia will chase and catch Kamea and then Kamea will chase and catch Kaia. It is amazing to watch!
Kamea is loving her new found freedom. Yesterday I watched her crawl to different places in the house she has never been to under her own power. She was so excited! I could have watched her do it all day. Kamea has also discovered new freedom in the baby pool. I was very nervous about juggling the two of them at the pool by myself, but it has been incredible. Kamea loves her baby circle float. We put her in it and she literally walks laps around the baby pool. Her feet were getting so raw from walking in the pool that we had to get her pool socks to protect her feet.
Now that Kamea is mastering her movement, she has recently started talking a lot. Her converstations crack me up. She has also been signing to us for awhile. Some of her signs include milk, more, all done, diaper and change. There are more, but I can't remember them right now.
Kamea also loves music just like her sister. One of her favorite things to do is play instruments. We put on music and she will rub and bang the rythm sticks, shake the eggs and maracas, etc. Her faces lights up when we pull the stuff out. She also knows where the instruments are kept and will go over there and look over there until we get them down for her.
Her laugh is amazing and infectious. How can you have a bad day when someone can look at you with such a beeming smile and laugh and huge belly laugh:)
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