Kamea also loves being upside down. You have to be really careful and aware when you are holding her because out of nowhere she will arch backwards. Considering she weighed in at 22.4 pounds at her 10 month check up, you have to hold on tight when she throws her whole body backwards. Kamea's laugh is awesome. We have to get her throaty and deep excited laugh on video. When Bryn comes in the door from work she just beams and squeals DaDa. If you are holding her she also wildly swings her arms and legs. She is such a happy and mellow baby. Although as time goes on she is making her opinions known more and more. If you take away something she wants, she will let you know she isn't happy about it.
Kamea is also very smart. We are in so much trouble between the two of them. She knows what things she isn't suppose to do. She will crawl towards something, stop and look at you and smile and then motor to her goal. She does listen most of the time when we tell her that something isn't for her. She will also listen and follow directions. Today I told her Daddy was home and asked her where he was. She crawled over to the door and stood up to look out. We have been signing with Kamea just as we did with Kaia. Right now Kamea's spoken and signed vocabulary is somewhere between 10 and 15 words. Not bad for 10 months:)
Kamea is also working on other motor skills like waving and blowing kisses. She gives great kisses too. Right on the lips with a big open mouth:) She is also helping to get herself dressed by putting her arms in and the girl will lunge out of the carseat or highchair as soon as you unstrap her. She loves peek a boo, patty cake and has started to imitate Kaia when Kaia is clapping or banging. She loves grabbing our hands and making us clap too. Kamea still loves playing instruments and dancing. She bounces up and down when she hears music. When she is standing in her crib and holding the rail she can almost jump.
Food is a favorite thing for Kamea. She has two teeth so we have been able to give her soft things that are cut up for her to bite and gum. If you are eating and haven't given her something to eat, she will let you know. If you tell her it is time to eat she will crawl to her highchair at lighten speed. A girl after my own heart:) It is incredible how time is flying and how fast she is growing up. Our baby isn't going to be a baby much longer:( Check out the video below of some of her first steps!
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