
October 2008

Monday, September 13, 2010

Kamea is one!!!

It is hard to believe that over a year ago Kamea joined the Happy Henderson clan:) It is amazing how the time has flown by. At one year old she is walking all around the house by herself without having to stop or really balance. We have had to close the bedroom and bathroom doors because she will wander off the second she gets the chance. Walking is definately her main mode of transportation these days. We have officially lost our baby to toddlerhood.

Kamea is everywhere and likes to climb everything she can: toys, chairs, tables, name it and she will try to climb it and usually she is pretty successfull if we let her. We have even seen her try to climb up the rails of the crib. She has a way to go before she figures it out, but she could be out of her crib before Kaia is out of hers.

She is also talking more and has used some signs too. She says mama, dada, Kaia, cat, Squirt, dog, diaper, up (that is the clearest by far!) and a few others that I am forgetting. She has also signed up, milk, change, diaper, all done, ball and again more that I can't remember at the moment.

Grandma and Grandpa came to visit over Labor Day weekend. Grandpa hadn't been here since last Halloween, so the girls were very excited to see him and play with him. Grandma got to stay for Kamea's birthday and leave the very next day.

So on the big day, we had wild and crazy plans for Kamea! Not really. We did think about it, but thought it was better to give her both of her naps at home. Bryn took most of the day off of work so we could all be together. Kamea happily and eagerly openned her presents and we all played in the living room with a bunch of balloons that we had blown up for the occasion. Kaia made a birthday cake for us and after dinner we tried to get Kamea to dig in, but she wasn't very excited by the idea. Actually, the cake in front of her made her get upset and start crying. Not the best first birthday cake photo op. Kamea had a great day and toddled around everywhere having fun.

Yesterday we had her birthday party with some family and friends. Although the three year olds were everywhere and moving quickly, Kamea wanted to hang with them and hold her own:) We tried cake again and got the same reaction. However, Kaia and her friends had no problem dipping their fingers into the icing for some licks:)

It is amazing how much Kamea has changed in one short year. All is know is that we are in trouble!

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