
October 2008

Wednesday, October 17, 2007


Tuesday morning we got up a little late due to Kaia's later night on Monday. Bryn got sick during all of this and now I am sick too, so we all needed the sleep. We headed to Santa Fe, NM and briefly walked around the square in the historic part of town before eating lunch over the square. Then we all headed to Colorado Springs for the night. It was a beautiful drive. Especially looking at the mountains as the sun was setting causing the mountains to look purple.

Today we got up and headed north from Colorado Springs to Ft. Collins to visit my Aunt Elsie and Peg. We rolled into their ranch around 11am. We chatted for awhile and Kaia was admired by the both of them. Then we were taken out to lunch before heading towards Kansas. Our time with them seemed so short, but it was great to see them both.

Tonight we are spending the night in Colby, KS. We will be heading to Wichita tomorrow to visit with the Stevens' and do some much needed laundry:)

Kaia and Squirt are both still being troupers. As great as it is to get to visit with everyone, but we are looking forward to getting to settle into Newport and not have to pack and unpack every day.

Kaia is continuing to get bigger and stronger. Her head control is great and she has really started to gain more control of her arms and hands. She is reaching for things and trying to grab them. Today in the car I was talking to Bryn and she reached out of her car seat to touch me and get my attention. Her favorite right now seems to be the lion that Melanie gave her from Barney's. She grabs on to it and chews on it. Bryn and I are starting to think we might need to buy a second one if she really gets attached to it. No one can say that she doesn't have good taste:)

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