
October 2008

Thursday, November 8, 2007


Yesterday marks Kaia's 4 month birthday:) That meant that today she got to have her 4 month well baby check. That means she got a lot of shots. We gave her Tylenol before the shots and massaged her injection sites like crazy (all tricks from our Dr in SD) and so far she is OK. She is sleeping more now, but that is what she did after her 2 month shots. She weighed in at 12 pounds 8 ounces and measured at 23 3/4 inches long. Kaia definately has no problems eating and is proving that with her growth. She has continued to grow at a rate of over an ounce a day. She is happy and health and hitting all of the required milestones. The experience for Bryn and I wasn't very good. Scheduling got mixed up and we didn't get to see the pediatrician we were suppose to at Navy Medical. So we saw a temporary fill-in Dr. When I relayed our experience to someone else at the center they were just as surprised as us. Now we are in the process of requesting authorization to see a pediatrician out in town since the Dr we were suppose to see isn't accepting new patients.

Kaia continues to love her hands and is constantly working on manipulating things with her hands. Her latest is a great interest in feeling the different parts of my face. And she has gotten her first few fist fulls of my hair so I will soon be sporting a pony tail non-stop.

The unpacking process continues. The latest glitch has been that our furnace is going out and needs to be replaced. The other night only 3 out of the 4 radiators upstairs were working. For a place that is getting into the 20's and 30's at night, a bad furnace isn't ideal. The owners are replacing it, but it will be a week before the company can start. It will take a few days for the work to be completed so we will be relocating for a couple of nights. Luckily we had a portable radiator, so we have put that in Kaia's room so she is warm and toasty.

This morning started very early because Grandma had to get to the airport for her flight back to CA. It was a great trip. She had lots of Kaia time and she helped us out a lot. Bryn and I even got a night out while Nancy babysat. We aren't use to getting to go out. We finished dinner and had to figure out what to do so we didn't go home too early. We are getting old:) While Nancy was here we went on a number of walks and yesterday we drove around the island to see what was around. Next visit we will have a much better idea of what is around.

Our latest house accomplishments have been getting our dining room to look like dining room, finalizing the kitchen and getting Kaia's room done. Her room looks great! We will put some pictures on the website of it. I found peel and stick decorations that won't damage the walls and can be easily removed and replaced. So Kaia has lots of flowers, dragonflies, butterflies and other bugs on her walls. Hanging from the ceiling are a couple of butterflies and dragonflies and a big sun. Her crib is done up and the curtains are hung. Now we just have to get her shelves done and we are set. There is still plenty to do, but I was so happy to have her room done. Nancy helped me with it and got to see it completed before she left.

It is late so I will bring this to a close.

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