Well, the holiday weekend is coming to a close and Bryn is heading to school tomorrow. Our Thanksgiving was mellow as predicted. We headed out to Plymoth, MA to see Plymoth Rock in the early afternoon. Kaia slept through the visit until the very end. We walked around the town, saw the rock and The Mayflower II and read various signs around the town. We had plans for a basic dinner that night and couldn't make it because we didn't have an onion. Bryn went out at 10:30am and there were no stores with short Thanksgiving hours. So we ended up eating a frozen pizza once we got home. Absoultely everything in this town was closed.
The next day we picked my dad up at the airport and brought him back to the house. We did make one very important stop on the way home. We went to Whole Foods to pick up some natural teething remedies for Kaia. We were in denial for awhile, but she is certainly in the teething stage now. The rest of the day was mellow.
Yesterday we made up for our Thanksgiving and made a big turkey day meal since my dad was here. Grandad got plenty of time to hang out and play with Kaia. Whenever she started to get cranky and looked over at dad she was suddenly all smiles. I have since told him that he may not be allowed to go home. That night was the night we accepted the fact that Kaia is teething. She has been chewing, drooling,etc but that was it. Last night she took her bath, ate and went to bed. She was exhausted. When she woke up screaming less than an hour later we tried everything we could to soothe her and nothing worked. We got a quick break when she chewed on a wet washcloth, but that didn't last long. Her crying was unlike any other crying we have experienced so we decided to try out our Whole Foods buy. Within a minute or two she was suddenly fine. It really only happens at night right now. We had tried Baby Tylenol the night before and that didn't do anything. She is waking in the middle of the night again which she hasn't done for months. So between the awakened screaming and hours to go back down, she doesn't stay down. Bryn and I were used to the lack of sleep before, but have gotten so use to getting sleep again that we feel like walking zombies.
Today we tried to do some organized touring of the area, but due to the season nothing was running. So we took a tour or Touro Synagogue - the oldest synagogue in the US. Then we bought a CD to play in the car and take ourselves on our own driving tour of Newport. It was pretty cool. Right now Kaia is napping and so is dad. We would love to, but we have to play catch up.
Please send us easy teething vibes because we certainly need them:)
Sunday, November 25, 2007
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