Today was a big day for Kaia. She has been on the verge of rolling back to front for awhile now. She could get her whole body over, but the position of her bottom arm would stop her from completely rolling over. After another sleep deprived night, Bryn took Kaia downstairs in the morning to play so I could get some much needed sleep. Literally minutes before I walked down the stairs she rolled over. It was the first first that Bryn has gotten to see, so that was pretty cool! Of course when I tried to get her to do it again, she didn't want to perform on cue:)
So to start the game of catch up...On Monday Kaia turned 6 months and had her 6 month check and shots. This was the first appointment that Bryn had to miss since I became pregnant. Afterwards Kaia spiked 102 - she hadn't spiked that high with other shots. Needless to say, we weren't having fun for a couple of days. As of Monday she weighed 14 pounds and 12 ounces(45th %), measured at 24 3/4 in (20% - sorry Kaia, mom and dad are both short) in length and her head circumference was 16.9 (65% - our baby is a genius!!!). We have been making her baby food and have much waiting in the wings in the freezer. We need to introduce one new thing no sooner than 3 days from the last. That way we make sure she doesn't show any allergic reaction. So far her meals are combinations of banana (all time favorite, and used to brib her to eat other things), zucchini, butternut squash, green beans, sweet potato, rice and oat cereal and of course the ever popular mommy buffet.
This week we took a free baby sign class and start the official class next week. I use to be ASL fluent, but I don't know how to introduce it to Kaia to make the most sense. This is a very cool program! On Friday we had our first Music Together class. She absolutely loves these classes. She can't stop checking out all of the other babies. Even at the library for story time she is so attentive listening to the stories being read. Starting next week we are committed to activities 4 out of 5 days: Monday = playgroup, Tues is free, Wed = library, Thursday = baby sign and Friday = Music Together. Plus I have joined the MOMs club and a playgroup so there are other activities that will come up. We are going to do the baby survival swim, but that is 4 or 5 days a week for a 10 minute session each time. We are waiting until we are a little closer to warm weather water time since we are so committed now. It is indoor (I know you were thinking of smart aleck comments, so I beat you to it), but we want to wait until we are closer to needing the skills. We are also going to join the gym or the YMCA soon. So when we work out we can leave Kaia with their child care. She needs to be watched by other people because she is getting way attached to only Bryn and I caring for her. We want to get a babysitter and be able to out other times than when Grandma is here, but she has to be sleeping better first.
Kaia is still having issues with sleep. We have tried and are trying various homeopathic remedies. We are seeing a cranial osteopath on Wednesday who also does cranial sacral. We have aromatherapy waiting in the wings too.
Due to my lack of regular blogging we have missed a couple of other things. Our New Year's eve was celebrated by going out for appetizers and a drink at 4pm with Kaia. Wild and crazy! We were in bed before midnight. But Kaia woke up so I got back into bed about ten minutes after the new year.
We also missed Aunt Leigh's visit a few days after Christmas. Once the website is updated we will have pics of Kaia and Aunt Leigh having fun together. Aside from Kaia having fun, I got to have some fun too. Leigh and I went out for a walk and that morphed into a walk, a stop at a local bar/resturant for an hour and a half long single beer, ski ball and air hockey at an amusement center and ice skating at an outdoor rink before walking home. We were sad to see her go, but being on the east coast it will happen more often.
Congrats on surviving my marathon blog. If I can do this a little more often, I promise the entries will be smaller:)
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