
October 2008

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Walking marathons

The marathon solo walking record for Kaia was made today at 16 steps on her own. She literally will run while she is holding my fingers, but has been more cautious walking on her own. Today we finally got her to walk back and forth between us without squatting down to crawl over to us.

Kaia's sign count is up to 16 that we recognize. She is very specifically doing some other signs, but we can't quite figure out what they are yet. We think that she has some spoken words too. She has her word for light (ight) and dog (doggin) and she has been doing the mama/dada, mommy/daddy. She is talking all of the time.

Food hasn't been too fun lately. She is not tolerating much of the pureed food. If we are out and she is eating she is more likely to eat it because she is so busy watching everything that is going on. So we are adding more and more finger foods. Dinner has become an all figure food meal and breakfast and lunch start with pureed food. When she gets tired of that we move on to finger foods.

Kaia also has some newer tricks. She plays pat-a-cake, SO BIG and most recently (yesterday) learned how to do high 5. We are starting to work on blowing kisses, but that one will take awhile I think. She is also getting much better about playing on her own and being OK when we leave her alone in a room for awhile.

The weather is gradually getting nicer and we have gotten to spend more time at the parks and the beach down the street. Kaia actually kept her sunglasses on the last couple of days. However, she still isn't a big fan of the whole sunscreen process.

I forgot to mention the great Mother's Day that we had before. We had a nice and lazy morning and Bryn made me a great collage of Kaia and me and Kaia drew in her card to me. It was awesome! Then we headed to a nearby town we hadn't checked out to walk around and try some more local ice cream.

Bryn is getting ready to wrap up school for the trimester. He should be done the middle of June. Grandma and Grandpa are coming to visit as soon as he is done. He is still flip flopping on the decision of taking the whole summer off and using all of that leave or if he will work some.

As for me, I am mainly doing the mom thing. The pilates studio here has fizzled out. I just started PT as a patient at a great facility. We are trying to schedule time for Bryn and I to go work out at the local gym we joined. And I have gotten to do a few mom's nights out. Bryn actually took Kaia on a walk a few days ago and left me in the house (I have been sick). I realized that it was the first time that I had been in an empty house by myself since before Kaia was born. I have to say it was kind of nice. I love being a mom, but am really needing some non-mom time. The ultimate is going to be when I meet my girlfriend, Leigh, in NYC for two solid nights of sleep!!! We will do other things like see my girlfriend, Missy, who is a principle in A Chorus Line. But I am really looking forward to the two solid, uninterrupted nights of sleep:) Kaia slept through from 2 to 4 months and then stopped a week after we moved to Newport.

Speaking of sleep it is time to go...

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