So we have all survived the sleep training. It really didn't take more than a couple of days. Bryn and I were truly amazed. We had tried it once before and it just didn't work. But now that Kaia is older and has so much more communication and language we really think it helped that we could explain it to her and she understood. One fly in the ointment is that Kaia is getting in two more teeth on top, but that is easily solved with a couple of teething tablets. Unfortunately as we began this sleep training Kaia had a very large bout of diarrhea. It literally wore away the skin on her bottom and she had two very large open sores. She is finally getting back to normal and healing up, but she woke herself up whenever she pooped. Or I would put her down for a nap and 5 minutes later she would poop. This wouldn't have bothered her before, but with a raw bottom it definitely did and we had to go in and clean her up. For a few days even the word diaper would send her running away. Sorry for any of you offended by poop talk, but this is a blog about a baby:)
Kaia's words and signs have been flowing out of her like crazy. We are easily over 150 words/signs. She is getting good at kicking balls and throwing them. Although sometimes she winds up to throw and drops them behind herself.
The weather has cooled off the last couple of days and we had to go and buy her some clothes for cooler weather. We had already bought her some, but they were a size up from where she is now. A couple of mornings ago she woke up in the morning and her skin was so cool we had to head out to buy heavier sleepers.
We are still making it outside as much as we can, but Kaia's nap schedule is making it a little difficult. She goes down in the morning two hours after she wakes up. So if she is up at 7am, she is down by 9am and sleeps for usually 1 1/2 - 2 hours (of course not when I have a lot of stuff to do). So she is up by 11am and we have to eat around noon. Kaia is a slow and defiant eater so it takes awhile and we try to head out afterwards. Lately, she has been going back down by 2pm for an hour and sometimes 2. Then she is up and we try to get out again before needing to be home for dinner at 5:30 or 6pm. Next week our various activities start back up so we will see how it goes when I have to push her or she doesn't have her crib to nap it.
Bryn is busy with a big research paper for school and we have been trying to research neighborhoods/rentals in MD for our move. Time is flying by and I can't believe we will be leaving in about 2 1/2 months. I finally have a good group of moms here and it will be time to move onto the next.
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