Testing Mommy and Daddy is one of Kaia's new activities. We have a few very specific rules in place that she has followed and understood. One example is that we have a front enclosed porch that we use for our drawing area. Kaia has an aqua doodle pad (the pens write on the mat with water so nothing gets marked up by accident) and we have a big pad of paper with crayons. She understands she can only have one or the other and will help clean up the one we have been using so she can use the other. The big rule is the pens or crayons can not leave the porch. Recently she will go to the door that leads into the rest of the house with pens or crayons in hand, turn to me and smile and say "bye, bye mommy". Usually I can tell her the pens/crayons stay here and she will bring them back to me, but yesterday she ran laughing into the house. With some other situations she will do something she shouldn't and walk over to me saying "hi mommy" and give me a kiss.
Kaia has some other new activities too. She has figured out what toys/activities will bring Squirt into the room. So she will ask for "bubbles kitty" or ask for her collapsable tunnel for kitty. She doesn't want to play with the bubbles or tunnel herself. She just wants to get Squirt in the room and engaged. Squirt has been great with Kaia and Kaia has been great with Squirt, but Kaia has started grabbing a fist full of kitty instead of petting her gently. We are working on that one. Poor Squirt is being tormented with Kaia's volume. Kaia will run up to the cat yelling because she is so excited and send Squirt skittering across the floor. Squirt is also not a big fan of Kaia's shoes that squeak when she walks or the new popcorn popper push toy.
Daddy and Kaia have discovered a new game that just makes her squeal. Bryn will put a pillow on the floor and Kaia will dive onto it on her belly and laugh.
The newest obession for Kaia is her signing DVD. We only used it when Bryn had to cut her nails or she was really tired and we needed to keep her awake until dinner. Now she is requesting "honey bear" by signing it, saying it, turning on the TV and grabbing the remote and pushing the buttons.
The weather has been beautiful up here, but Kaia woke up with a scratchy throat for a few days and an occasion runny nose so we have been limiting our time outside, but I think she is rounding the bend.
We are back into our activities. We have music, gym and playgroups. Our gym has enclosed their pool so we are going to take her there to swim instead of doing the swim class. The times just didn't work for us.
I'm to accomplish before she wakes up:)
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