We just returned from MD late last night. We drove down there and had 3 days to find a place to live. It was rough on all of us, but we all survived and have a place to live. The trip also made the realty of our move it us hard. Bryn is really excited to get out of here and get settled. I really like the life we have up here and the friends that I have made and am going to be very sad to say good bye.
Kaia is busy, busy, busy. She had a hard time going into all of the homes because she wanted to be outside playing. She is use to a lot more free outside time than she got on the trip. She also had a rough time going to sleep at my dad's. She has only gone to sleep on her own here in Newport. Previously when we stayed at Dad's, we were rocking her to sleep and laying her down asleep. It was a bit of a different world this time and it took awhile for her to adjust. Having all of the pictures of family up on the walls has paid off. She was all about my dad (Grandad, aka Dad Dad to Kaia) and had fun with my brother and his family with no real adjustment period needed.
Kaia thinks she is a 5 year old. Anything that she sees older kids do, she thinks she can do. She doesn't realize that she is a peanut and can't climb big kid things, but that doesn't stop her from trying.
She also has a new obsession...Elmo. We have never watched Sesame Street and she hasn't owned anything with Elmo, but she knows who he is. She has seen Elmo on her diapers, but that is about it. She stood in front of an Elmo doll display for 20 minutes hanging out with Elmo. The people who designed Elmo obviously knew what they were doing.
Kaia has always loved books and she has quite a collection. These days she can sit reading books for such a long period of time and she doesn't get bored at all. It is probably one of her favorite things to do. She is also already into her ABCs. She recognizes some letters and wants us to sing ABCs a lot.
Time to sign off and try to get to bed at a decent hour. The clock is ticking and there is so much to do in the next month. This time next month we will be living in MD.
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