I just looked at the calendar and realized that the packers will be here two weeks from tomorrow. This is very scary considering we have done nothing to organize yet and our babysitter isn't available during the week to give me a few hours a couple of days to get started. Our things will make it there, but we may not be able to find things for a long time.
Up until Friday, Bryn has been consumed with a very large paper and at last it is done!!! So this weekend we had a fairly lazy day on Saturday and yesterday we headed to Boston for the day. We took Kaia to the Boston Children's Museum and she had such a great time. We were amazed to see how much she could participate now. There was a room full of various ramps and tracks that you would put a golf ball on and watch it go up and down, spirals, you name it. She could have stayed in that room all day. There was another room filled with bubbles that she splashed around in for awhile. We also tried out the water and boat room. She did awesome! After that we headed to Boston Commons and put her in the stroller for her nap. Bryn and I got to walk around a bit and see some of the Freedom Trail. After she woke up we headed to find a place for dinner. We had food for her, but for the first time we ordered off the kid's menu. Bryn and I enjoyed really good steaks and a glass of wine in a dimly lit restaurant while Kaia ate and hung out. I was so excited!!!
Kaia is so busy everywhere and into everything. We still keep track of her words and signs by writing them down at the end of the day, but we stopped counting. She has to be close to 300 words by now. I don't think anyone has told her she isn't even 16 months old and the Dr would be happy with 6 words right now. Just yesterday she had at least 6-8 new words/signs. Crazy!!! We had to go to a store to find some more advanced ABC materials and other learning materials because she is so far ahead. She recognized letters everywhere and will call them out by name. Kaia is also big into climbing! Especially all of those things I don't want her to climb. A favorite has been trying to climb and stand on a stack of her puzzles. She has also become more obsessed with reading and requesting books everywhere at anytime. Kaia has also decided it is fun to run yelling at the cat. We are trying to convince her whispering is a better approach, but she isn't buying it yet.
She is awake so I must run. Check the blog in a couple of days and I will catch up on posting pictures.
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