Kaia and I just got home from her 18 month appointment and we were told that she was perfect. Well, we already knew that:) She is a couple of ounces shy of 22lbs (15.2%), 31 1/2 inches tall (60%) and her head is HUGE - 47 1/2 centimeters (90%). She did get a couple of shots as well so please send us vibes for good sleeping tonight.
Things here are moving along. Bryn has been pretty busy with work. Between the inauguration, State of the Union address, other various activities and heading out of town for work - we haven't seen him a ton. The state of the house has stayed the same because we haven't gotten time with just Bryn and myself to power through. The upstairs is pretty settled with some small projects still necessary and we have hung no pictures at all. Downstairs is a different story. Kaia still isn't allowed down there. We have to get it taken care of soon because we have some things for her that need room to set them up and play with. All in due time I guess.
Kaia and I have been checking out different classes, etc in the area. You gotta love the free trail class:) Kaia got to do a couple of different gym classes just last week. She is in need of open spaces to run and climb. We have been going to a local music class for a little while now and if the nap time cooperates we can actually walk there. She is still talking and signing like crazy. She knows her ABCs, can count to 27 on her own and knows all of her colors. We are working on shapes and she has most of the basics down.
Some of her recent favorite activities include dumping all of her letters out of a bag so she can clean them up, cooking yogurt and pasta in her kitchen, reading her potty book and sitting on her potty, chasing Squirt kitty cat, playing "get you" (we chase her) with anyone including her huge stuffed puppy, playing with playdough, feeding her babies and reading LOTS and LOTS of books.
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