
October 2008

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The first real snow

We are definitely living on the east coast. Yesterday we got our first real snow followed by a nice ice storm last night. Yesterday was the first time that Kaia has really had a chance to explore snow on her own and she wasn't a huge fan at first. It was deep enough that she couldn't see her feet and I think that freaked her out. The only thing that she wanted to do in the backyard was slide, so that is what we did:) Afterwhile she was crunching around in the snow.

Otherwise, Kaia is doing her thing: talking, signing, walking, running, trying really hard to jump, climbing... We did get to do an open gym last week at an actual gymnastics place. She was so excited to run on the tumble track. Then I took her on the trampoline. She was squealing really loudly non-stop. Other moms were looking over to see what we were up to. That was the first time that she really got space between her feet and the ground. She just loved it!

Her favorite things to do are about the same as last time I wrote. She loves play dough and would love to play with it all the time. She also has a Little People house that she role plays with. Her babies are still pretty high up there on things she likes to play with/take care of.

Bryn's schedule is a bit better these days and he has actually gotten to see Kaia every day at least for a few minutes. He is going to take this Friday off so we can catch up a bit and we are even getting a date night this weekend for his birthday.

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