It has been a record in how long I have gone without blogging and I apoligize. My pregnancy is making life much more exhausting and unproductive these days. Only 92 days to go. Not that I am counting:)
Bryn has been working, I have been watching Kaia and she has been playing and growing like she is suppose to. We did manage to take a 10 day vacation to CA a few weeks ago. We spent most of the time with Bryn's family. We did take Kaia to San Diego for a couple of days to visit some friends and go to Sea World and the San Diego Zoo. Bryn and I also left Kaia with Grandma and Grandpa for a couple of days while we headed to Santa Barbara for a mini vacation for ourselves.
Watching Kaia grow and her skills sky rocket is amazing. She talks regularly in 10 word sentences and has a huge repetoire of songs and rhymes that she can recite and sing. She loves making movies, singing, dancing, jumping, playing with her baby dolls and pushing them around in their stroller, doing anything that has to do with animals, riding her new trike around the house, drawing, painting, playing with playdough, helping with anything that she can, going to the park and much more. She is VERY independent. I don't think I can emphasize that enough. She has to pick out her clothes, helps to make her breakfast, helps with the laundry and makes it very clear that she knows the rules about when she has to accept help from one of us. In the last week or so she insists on putting her clothes on herself, even if she is trying to put her head through the arm hole and is getting frustrated. She has known her ABC's and has been counting to the 40's for awhile. So we have started on letter sounds and spelling. Kaia is also climbing anything and everything she can. It makes me very nervous at the playground, but I am trying to let her go. She even hangs from the monkey bars and can coordinate moving her hands forward one at a time. I am there ready to grab her when she lets go, but it still makes me nervous. She sees the big kids doing things at the park and thinks she can do the same.
Socially she is growing a lot too. She has always been good with kids/people if the interaction is on her terms. Lately, she has been OK when other kids push her or are a bit more aggresive with her. Before she would have cried and gotten very upset, but now she is learning how to handle it.
Our activities have somehow gotten pretty busy this summer too. We are still doing our old playgroup, but have just started a new one too. Kaia is going to be starting 2 year old pre-school this fall. The school started a playgroup for the summer so the kids can get to know each other. We are also doing music class. And we have finally met some people in the neighborhood that we have been getting together with. We also just joined our neighborhood pool this week and have started to head over there.
The big news is our plans for this weekend. Kaia has been interested in the potty and has been peeing in her potty when she wanted to for a number of months. She was probably ready for potty training in the late winter or early spring, but we weren't. We decided to make this weekend potty training 101 and roll up the rugs for a naked and potty filled weekend. Please send us all of your good vibes because neither one of us has done this before. We have been reading the potty books to her and have taken Kaia shopping to pick out her new underwear. She has been telling me lately that she wants to wear her underware, so hopefully this is going to work.
I am getting in trouble for not going to bed and must bring this catch up session to a close:)
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