Whenever I think I will never take a long break in blogging, I somehow end up taking an even longer one. I apologize and some day I will get back into a normal routine. What do you think, maybe 10 years?)
Kaia is amazing and surprises us every single day. She is talking so clearly for her age and the concepts that she grasps surprise us all the time. We have been busy with our old playgroup and our new preschool playgroup and up until the last few weeks we had music class. We have also been hanging out at the pool, in our backyard with her new sandbox and homemade water table, and at the park. Summer here has been mild for the area, but being pregnant I can't handle the heat and Kaia starts sweating the second she steps outside. Usually we head out in the morning and make it home for lunch and nap and then we stay pretty close to home in the afternoon. I have felt bad that Kaia isn't getting outside as much as she would if I wasn't pregnant, but she has also chosen to stay home and inside to play.
Kaia is all about her Baby Kendall (every baby she has is named Baby Kendall). She got some great doll accessories for her birthday and she loves feeding her and changing her diaper/underwear. Baby Kendall usually gets changed into what Kaia is wearing. Kaia has been great with the potty training and very rarely has accidents. We travel with a portable potty so we can pull over and pee in the car too. So around home she wears underwear and we wear Dora underwear (pull ups) to go out. I just don't want to deal with an accident at someone else's house, etc. Then for naps and bed she gets a diaper. We did have success with pooping for awhile, but now it freaks her out and she will only do it in a diaper when she wakes up. That is fine with us and if she asks for a diaper to poop in we give it to her.
Kaia still loves singing and dancing and anything related to music. She makes all of her animals and friends dance with her and for her and will break into song without a moments notice. A new part of her night time routine was requested by her. Sometimes she and Bryn would come out to the living room after a bath to see me (on the few occasions I sat down to put my feet up) and she would see me watching So You Think You Can Dance. So now she asks to watch dancing with mommy after her bath. She is mesmerized when she is watching it (just like Sesame Street). She usually gets to watch 3 dances and requests her favorites. Recently she has been requesting to watch the judges comments after the performances. Last night I told her mommy was a dancer and she looked at me in amazement.
We have lots of conversations about the baby. Kaia has a list of things she will do for the baby. Some of them include dance, sing, hold, hug, kiss, etc. Lately she has been asking the baby if it wants to come out. She also knows that the baby makes mommy feel sick sometimes and it also moves funny. When I get a funny look on my face Kaia will guess what is going on with the baby. She loves giving hugs and kisses to the baby and has to pull up my shirt to get closer to the baby. We have also talked about when Kaia is ready for a new bed, the baby will sleep in Kaia's crib. We also just picked up the new chair for Kaia's room so that the glider that was in there can go into the baby's room. Kaia loves the new chair and all of the new things we have done to her room.
Since my last entry, Kaia turned 2 on 7/7/09 and had a birthday party that following weekend. Grandma (Nancy) came to visit just a couple of days after the party. Kaia had a great time at her party. Her favorite part about the birthday cake was blowing out the candles. We blew out the candles a lot:) Kaia had a great time with Grandma while she was here and Nancy and I spent to solid days painting a mural in Kaia's room. After Nancy left I spent another whole day finishing it up. Kaia loved getting to go down to the basement and wake Grandma up in the morning. Since my last blog we had another visitor. Great-Grandma (my grandma) finally got a chance to visit on her own. She caught Kaia all kinds of rhymes, etc that she taught me when I was little. Kaia has been wanting to see Great-Grandma on the computer (video calls) like we see Grandma and Grandpa, but Grandma isn't set up for that.
The other thing that has been keeping us busy is that we found out that this baby is breech. So we are doing everything we can to try to get it to turn, but it hasn't worked yet. I have been doing chiropractic, acupuncture, hanging upside down, burning Chinese herbs, etc. If it might help, I have been trying it. In MD if the baby is breech it is pretty much a c-section. Most people won't let you try to do a natural delivery and won't even attempt a version until it is too late. So send all your good baby turning vibes our way.
Bryn has been busy with work and I have been busy making a baby and taking care of Kaia. I know we will be exhausted in a whole different way once the baby is born, but I won't feel so bad physically from being pregnant.
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