Wow! I am sorry about being so overdue on posted what the girls are up to. It looks like it was last year. That is crazy!
Kamea is just about 19 months old and is her own little person. She has opinions and will let them be known - have no fear. I don't know where our little baby went. She is so curious and loves to observe. Be careful what you let her observe because she can figure a lot out. She can open all of the doors in the house (we were keeping them closed so she couldn't get into as much mischief. She is also trying to do complicated things like unclipping herself from her highchair and is close to being successful. Speaking of her highchair, we have to keep the tray on or she will climb up it and stand in the seat and sit down. That brings me to the fact that she is a little monkey. She will climb anything and everything that she can. If she can't quite reach what she wants she will move a toy or something over to you as a step stool. She has actually taught Kaia to climb on things that Kaia never considered. It is hard for me to leave Kamea alone in a room too long because I don't know what I'm going to find. Kaia has called me before and said, "Mommy, Kamea is on the table," just to give you an idea.
The girls love each other and play together so well, but I can't leave them for too long for fear that Kamea will scale something and fall. I forsee a lot of time in the emergency room with Kamea. She is fearless and is always playing trust games if you know it or not. You can be holding her or she is sitting with you and suddenly without warning she will throw her body upside down and backwards. Upside down is pretty much her favorite place to be. Yesterday Kamea became a whirling dervish and just kept spinning around and around in circles and then would yell "woah" as she plopped down to the ground with no warning.
Kamea adores her big sister, Kaia. She woke up from her nap yesterday and I had taken Kaia out. Kamea was walking all over the house yelling, "dister," (aka sister) looking for Kaia. Most times when I walk into Kamea's room after her nap she doesnt' talk to me right away, but asks immediately for sister. We hope they keep up this lovefest for their entire lives:)
Aside from all of Kamea's physical attributes (the girl is incredibly strong and will pick up anything including an 8-10 lb bag or oranges), she is very smart - but would would you expect:) She has been signing like crazy for a long time. Now as soon as we sign a new sign to her she immediately signs it back. She is just thirsty for more. Her verbal skills are also increasing by leaps and bounds. Everything is something new. She has been singing lalas lately too.
This winter Kamea finally got her first class/activity just for her while Kaia is in school. It has taken her awhile to adjust to doing something without Kaia there, but she is getting there. We have gone to story times and shoppping together too. At the store she wants to put everything in the cart from her position in the backpack carrier and once we are home if she sees a bag with things in it she will immediately begin unpacking it. If you bring a bag into the house and don't want her to unpack it you better find a high spot for it.
Kamea is a love and is full of hugs and kisses for most everyone. She also has an opposing side and will quickly pout and scowl and now sometimes scream if she isn't happy with something. She can comprehend compromises (if she likes it or not) like if you do that, then you can get this. She loves to help and will bring me my slippers and insist that I put them on if my feet or cold or not.
Hope this gives you a little insist into our amazing little one who is growing and changing in leaps and bounds:)
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