Now it is Kaia's turn for a little catch up:) Or should I say Rudolph's turn? In November Bryn and I took her to see a production of Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer at Adventure Theater and since then she has been Rudolph. While we were in California after Christmas we gave in for the first time and went to Build-A-Bear Workshop with her Grandma and cousins. They were all out of Rudolph's, but they had Clarice (his love interest) and Kaia built her very own Clarice. After that Aunt Colleen asked if she was allowed to get her face painted. What did Kaia want? Not butterflies or flowers, but she wanted to be Rudolph. That kind of stumpped the face painter, but they figured it out. I was told she would be Kaia again when we got back to MD. That lasted about a day and she was back to Rudolph. Now when she turns 4 in July I am told that she won't be Rudolph anymore. We'll see about that. She has already told me that she wants to be Rudolph for Halloween:)
As you can tell, Kaia is full of imagination! She is constantly having phone calls with friends from her favorite TV shows (Sid the Science Kid, Mama Mirabelle and The Cat in the Hat). She tells me what day they are each coming over for sleep overs and they do. The girl with the crazy memory (we never doubt her because she remembers better than us) doesn't forget what day Sid is coming over or when it is Baby Snow White's Birthday.
Kaia is a girly girl! She loves all of her jewlery and dress up and had gotten Kamea involved too. I'll hear Kaia say, "Come on Kamea. Come to my room with me." When I go in to check they are both on Kaia's bed covered in necklaces and braclets. We also entered the world of nail polish recently. I took Kaia for Mommy and Kaia time and we went to a little girl salon to get her nails painted. They actually did a horrible job and most of it popped off before bed that night. However, we have our own nail salon at home now. Sometimes when Kamea is napping we will pull everything out. When I ask Kaia what color she wants, her favorite is all of them. So on each hand she will have pink, yellow, green, orange, purple and pink. She is an equal opportunity girl:)
Kaia is an awesome big sister. Not to say that she doesn't have her moments, but she loves doing things with Kamea. If Kaia is going to draw or color she always gets paper for Kamea and Kamea is toddling right behind sister. She also lets me know when Kamea is scaling something that she shouldn't be. Which happens a lot!
She loves art, crafts, dancing, singing, playing instruments. You name it and the girl is artistic. I wonder where that comes from:) She has gotten really good at coloring in the lines. We paint, draw, glue, cut, collect, etc. Aunt Sharon introduced her to Bendaroos that she loves too. She and Kamea will put on shows with all of our instruments, dress ups and stage that they make. We play music a lot and Kaia is making up her own songs these days too. She has wanted dance class for over a year now, but I don't want to overschedule. I think I will have to give in this fall.
Kaia is in school Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. She stays and has lunch at school two of the days. Last fall I organized a soccer class for her class on one of their off days. We will be doing soccer again next month. This summer she is very excited to be doing a week of "camp" in the mornings with Ms. Pam her teacher. We will probably do a few single morning dance camps that she did with friends last summer too. Most of our days will be spent at the local pool with friends.
Friends make up a big part of Kaia's life and she is becoming very independent. She had an impromptu play date with a friend without me for the first time and she did great. She went with her friend after school and I didn't end up picking her up until 4pm. That was a long day for her without Mommy or Daddy. Kaia has a lot of great friends at school and seems to be friends with everyone. She has had play dates with 2year olds and 5 1/2 year olds ( I was surprised about that one). When she walks up to the playground in the morning they are all yelling her name and so excited to see you. We also love getting to see our neighborhood friends and our neighborhood grandma, Margaruite.
Kaia has been excited about all of our visitors too. Aunt Leigh has had a couple of sleep overs. Grandma was just here. Aunt Sharon will be in town this week and she was in town a couple of months ago with Uncle Ken, cousin Wendy and her boyfriend. After hanging out with Wendy Kaia now LOVES cheerleaders! Wendy is a U of Miami cheerleader. And ever since we can home from California in Janurary she has been telling everyone about her cousin Karina coming for a visit in April. As I said, the girl doesn't forget. A month before Grandma's visit if you asked when Grandma was coming she would have told you March 16. Everyone would look at me to see if that was right or if she was making that up. She was right on as usual:)
We also keep busy Skyping with Grandma and Grandpa and various visiting cousins. We have also started Skyping with Cousins Abby and Kyla which is very exciting for the girls.
I could continue to write a book about everything Kaia does, but I have to wrap it up and just say she is as amazing as ever and going up way too fast!
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