
October 2008

Friday, November 30, 2007

Kaia's favorite things...

You might wonder why the title is finally taken on a name. Well, Bryn and I were going to title the entries according to which one of us blogged, but I am bored with that.

Kaia has many new favorite things to date so I thought I would list a few of them off: bury her face in my hair and laugh grab my hair and pull my face right down into her face fall asleep with something soft to hold on to
...holding on to her feet whenever she gets the chance
...rolling on to her side - she is almost ready to roll onto her tummy
...chewing on her hands and our hands whenever she can
...soaking her clothes with drool in two seconds flat
...watching Squirt whenever she is near
...looking out our front window at the outside world
...dancing in her crib with me as we change clothes in the morning

There are just a few of her favorite things:)

We are still fighting some night issues. It is a combo of teething, crying and whimpering in her sleep and who knows what else. Bryn and I hadn't slept as little as we did last night since we were in the hospital. Kaia has been sleeping through the night for months now, so I guess easy street was bound to end sometime.

Bryn's first week of school is over and we are trying to figure out our schedule. Kaia and I go to the library at least once a week and will be starting Music Together in January. She will be eligible for some swim stuff once January hits too. I also got connected with the Spouse's Club playgroups and with an organization out in town. I am also going to start teaching some Pilates at the studio down the street starting next Monday. There is a ballet school I would like to take from. Actually, I really want a jazz or modern class, but ballet is all I have found so far. Lastly, we are joining the YMCA with hopes of working out again.

Until next time...

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