
October 2008

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

How time flies!

I can't believe that it has been so long since my last post. I guess it is that time of year:) Kaia is growing and discovering more and more every day. She has been on the verge of rolling from her back to her tummy for a week or so. Sometimes we have no idea what is actually stopping her from rolling over. A lot of time it is just the position of her bottom arm. She has also been going through another talking phase. She is sitting up pretty much on her own, but she needs to have some pillows around her or be in my lap so she doesn't topple completely over when she starts reaching for something too far away. When she is on her tummy she pushes up as high as her arms will let her. She is really strong. She is also manipulating things with her hands so much better in the last week.

Our library outing is over until the middle of January. It has been really cold up here and we have gotten snow a few different times. The roads are clear, but everything else is white and icy. With the weather there really isn't any place for us to get out to. The nearest mall is about 25 minutes away and there is nothing really there. Some of the sidewalks here are clear and some are not so I can't even bundle her to go for a walk. Once the holidays are over we will start some of the play groups and we will get back to the library and start Music Together.

Bryn is still doing well with school. He has his first test this Friday and has a paper to start working on. He says that he is enjoying the topics and discussions so far.

Nancy was just here. She came in on Thursday and just left on Monday. Grandma's only objective was to hang out with Kaia. We accept that we are forever bumped down on the priority list:) Nancy almost didn't make it in due to the snow storm on Thursday. She was literally the last one to be allowed on the last flight out of Baltimore to Providence that night.

On Friday we went to go for a walk and discovered after Kaia was bundled in her stroller that the sidewalks weren't clear. So we got in the car and ended up at a Christmas tree farm. We got to pick out a tree and watch it get cut down. I don't think you can get much fresher than that. So that night we decorated it. For those of you that knew me growing up - yes we have a tree. I only had my first tree once I married Bryn. It is nice hanging out and decorating it, but that is all the decorating we do.

Saturday we ventured to Providence for a shopping day at a real mall. It is about a 45 minute drive from Newport. Grandma was very excited to get to do her holiday shopping for us while she was here.

Our big day was Sunday. It was my birthday and everyone has asked me what we did. It may not sound like a exciting birthday day, but it was awesome. Nancy watched Kaia all day while we were in the basement cleaning and organizing. It isn't all done yet, but we did get so much done. When the furnace was replaced black soot got everywhere. So we had to take care of that before we could group and organize stuff. Bryn and I got cleaned up and went to the Whitehorse Tavern for dinner. It is right hear in Newport. It is the oldest tavern in the US. We got to sit right in front of the fireplace for a cozy dinner and then headed home.

Nancy left yesterday and I have been trying to get things together that we still need to mail out for the holidays.

Kaia is still having night issues and the teething has kicked back in again. Please send us all of the good sleep vibes you can because we really need them. Speaking of which, I am off to bed until Kaia wakes up next.

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